Elektrėnai Tourism Information Center

Elektrėnai scheduled events for the year

Date / Time Title Place
2023.11.30 - 2024.01.01 Exhibition of drawings by Rolan Stankūnas "Light and Shadows" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
01.02 - 01.31 Photo exhibition: Forts: color invasion Elektrėnai Cultural Center
10 d. 18:00 A Millionaire's Legacy Elektrėnai Cultural Center
13 d. 15:00 Defenders of Freedom Day celebration "Voices of History" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
17 d. 17:30 Wonders of the Park | Animated film
19 d. 18:00 Classical guitar concert with Lukas Isaak (Germany) Elektrėnai Cultural Center
24 d. 18:00 A Millionaire's Legacy | Movie
28 d. 12:00 Contemporary dance festival-competition "Shokio virpesiai'24" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
31 d. 18:00 Row across the Atlantic | Movie Elektrėnai Cultural Center
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
2023.11.30 - 2024.01.01 Exhibition of drawings by Rolan Stankūnas "Light and Shadows" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
01.02 - 01.31 Photo exhibition: Forts: color invasion Elektrėnai Cultural Center
Date / Time Title Place
01 d. 19:00 Jean Sibelius concerto for violin and orchestra Vievis Cultural Center
07 d. 17:30 Cosmic Friends | Animated film
08 d. 18:00 Group "Ball" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
09 d. 18:00 Asta Pylipaitė's concert
02.12 - 02.26 Indres Aleksiejūnienė's ceramics exhibition - "Prayer to Nature" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
13 d. 17:30 Mardi Gras in Elektrėnai!
14 d. 18:00 Musical comedy "The Wits" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
02.15 - 02.16 February 16th is the Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania Elektrėnai
15 d. 18:00 Clowns in space. Interactive educational show
16 d. 12:15 Winter powerhouse 2024 | Electric trains Centennial Square of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania
16 d. 14:00 February 16th Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania | Elektrėnai Cultural Center Elektrėnai Cultural Center
18 d. 15:00 Group AMBROZIJA. MUSICAL COURTSHIP Elektrėnai Cultural Center
21 d. 18:00 Friends Betting | Movie Elektrėnai Cultural Center
24 d. 10:00 Winter march 2024 The world of children in Elektrėnai
24 d. 17:00 PRIME MINISTER ON VACATION WITH WIFE Elektrėnai Cultural Center
24 d. 18:00 Brothers Joke Show Elektrėnai Cultural Center
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
02.12 - 02.26 Indres Aleksiejūnienė's ceramics exhibition - "Prayer to Nature" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
02.15 - 02.16 February 16th is the Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania Elektrėnai
Date / Time Title Place
03 d. 17:00 International concert "The Silent Strings of the Gypsy Soul" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
03.07 - 04.03 Birutės Nomedos Stankūnienės tapybos darbų paroda ,,Novelės spalvomis” Elektrėnai Cultural Center
23 d. 14:00 Staged fairy tale "How the hare went to Easter Bobute" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
27 d. 18:00 Friends Betting | Movie Elektrėnai Cultural Center
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
03.07 - 04.03 Birutės Nomedos Stankūnienės tapybos darbų paroda ,,Novelės spalvomis” Elektrėnai Cultural Center
Date / Time Title Place
03.07 - 04.03 Birutės Nomedos Stankūnienės tapybos darbų paroda ,,Novelės spalvomis” Elektrėnai Cultural Center
03 d. 18:00 Row across the Atlantic | Movie Elektrėnai Cultural Center
06 d. 15:00 Festival of harmonica players "Sounds of the harmonica" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
07 d. 10:00 City - Race Elektrėnai Elektrėnai
10 d. 17:30 Severed Heads: In the Footsteps of Don Quixote | Animated film Elektrėnai Cultural Center
17 d. 18:00 President | Movie Elektrėnai Cultural Center
18 d. 18:00 "From classics to ABBA". R. Šciogolevaitė, V. Genytė and A. Pilvelytė Elektrėnai Cultural Center
20 d. 17:30 Winged Heroes | Animated film Elektrėnai Cultural Center
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
03.07 - 04.03 Birutės Nomedos Stankūnienės tapybos darbų paroda ,,Novelės spalvomis” Elektrėnai Cultural Center
Date / Time Title Place
05.01 - 05.31 Contemporary music and art festival ARS NOVA'24 Elektrėnai
04 d. 19:00 "Those from the bazaar" Stand up Elektrėnai Cultural Center
08 d. 17:30 Guardian of Dragons | Animated film Elektrėnai Cultural Center
15 d. 18:00 A Millionaire's Legacy | Movie Elektrėnai Cultural Center
17 d. 18:00 The performance "Valentine's Horns" Elektrėnai Cultural Center
22 d. 18:00 Friends Betting | Movie Elektrėnai Cultural Center
06.15 - 05.16 Armyday Fest on Tour The world of children in Elektrėnai
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
05.01 - 05.31 Contemporary music and art festival ARS NOVA'24 Elektrėnai
06.15 - 05.16 Armyday Fest on Tour The world of children in Elektrėnai
Date / Time Title Place
06 d. Justinas Stanislovaitis | WATER MUSIC POWER PLANTS The world of children in Elektrėnai
08 d. 15:00 Circulation: Biographies | Festival of International Contemporary Circus Elektrėnai Cultural Center
13 d. 19:00 Diego Esteban (Colombia) | WATER MUSIC POWER PLANTS The world of children in Elektrėnai
06.15 - 05.16 Armyday Fest on Tour The world of children in Elektrėnai
20 d. 12:00 Be safe around and in water Elektrėnai beach
20 d. 19:00 VICTORIA KAJOKAITĖ - KLAJOKLĖ | WATER MUSIC POWER PLANTS The world of children in Elektrėnai
20 d. 19:00 International Music Festival | WATER MUSIC The world of children in Elektrėnai
27 d. 19:00 International Music Festival | WATER MUSIC The world of children in Elektrėnai
28 d. 20:00 CASH TONE | Elektrėnai | @Taste it for yourself Taste it yourself
29 d. 10:00 Summer hike 2024 | Kietaviškės are 520 years old Kauk Inn Amusement Park
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
06.15 - 05.16 Armyday Fest on Tour The world of children in Elektrėnai
Date / Time Title Place
07.01 - 08.30 Exhibition of paintings by Dovilė Nalivaikaitė-Venslauskienė and Aušrinė Venslauskaitė Elektrėnai Cultural Center
04 d. 19:00 International Music Festival | WATER MUSIC The world of children in Elektrėnai
06 d. 10:00 On the day of the State (the coronation of Lithuanian King Mindaugas) and the National Anthem The world of children in Elektrėnai
06 d. 15:00 On the day of the State (the coronation of King Mindaugas of Lithuania) and the National Anthem | Monkeys Beižionys Culture Club
06 d. 18:30 Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania in Kietaviskės/Šuolii village Chapel Hill | Jumping
06 d. 19:30 State Day | Kazokiškės Kazokiškės
06 d. 19:30 The day of the State (of the coronation of the Lithuanian King Mindaugas) and the National Anthem in Semeliškės Semeliškės
06 d. 21:00 National Anthem in Gilučiai Leisure space
06 d. 21:00 Singing of the National Anthem | Vievis Vievios city square
11 d. 19:00 International Music Festival | WATER MUSIC The world of children in Elektrėnai
13 d. 12:00 Vievio Dragon Boat Festival Vievis lake shore
18 d. 19:00 International Music Festival | WATER MUSIC The world of children in Elektrėnai
19 d. 12:00 one day fest | Attacks on Papuola The world of children in Elektrėnai
20 d. 10:00 Vievios rapid chess and checkers tournament Vievis Gymnasium
25 d. 19:00 International Music Festival | WATER MUSIC The world of children in Elektrėnai
27 d. 20:00 DelCia | Elektrėnai @Taste for yourself Taste it yourself
28 d. 11:00 Vievios city festival Oninė | Vievis Vievios entertainment and leisure space
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
07.01 - 08.30 Exhibition of paintings by Dovilė Nalivaikaitė-Venslauskienė and Aušrinė Venslauskaitė Elektrėnai Cultural Center
Date / Time Title Place
07.01 - 08.30 Exhibition of paintings by Dovilė Nalivaikaitė-Venslauskienė and Aušrinė Venslauskaitė Elektrėnai Cultural Center
01 d. 19:00 International Music Festival | WATER MUSIC The world of children in Elektrėnai
08 d. 19:00 International Music Festival | WATER MUSIC The world of children in Elektrėnai
15 d. 19:00 International Music Festival | WATER MUSIC The world of children in Elektrėnai
22 d. 19:00 International Music Festival | WATER MUSIC The world of children in Elektrėnai
24 d. 10:00 Pedestrian march "On the paths of the freedom fighters of Beizioni" | Monkey | Free Beižionys Culture Club
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
07.01 - 08.30 Exhibition of paintings by Dovilė Nalivaikaitė-Venslauskienė and Aušrinė Venslauskaitė Elektrėnai Cultural Center